Metroplex Educational Consultants

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Identifying a person’s learning style is probably one of the most important keys to effective learning. Some children typically have modalities which are stronger than others. These strong perceptual modalities should be used to learn new skills while the weaker ones when skills are mastered and reviewing is needed. A parent or teacher will actually provide tasks in auditory (listening), visual (seeing), tactile (touching/writing), and kinesthetic (moving the body) skills to identify which ones are accomplished and which are missed. Not only are these critical in specifying these strengths or needs but important clues are discovered by observing the child. Children tend to enjoy, smile, want to do more when it is a strength and easy. Those which are difficult, leave the children wanting to avoid or not do the task. If your child refuses a task, it may mean it is an area of need and should not be used to learn new skills. 

Also, important in learning is motivation. If parents and teachers identify how a child is motivated, this can enrich their learning. Some children do better individually, some in groups, some with adults, and some with other children. There are special people who they like to play or work with who are meaningful. Often, concrete, social, and external rewards may need to be added to create an effective learning environment. When parents and teachers understand these styles, learning is more effective and spontaneous. 

Extensive narrative is included so to educate those who are working with children so they understand how to help them to reach their potentials. It is also an excellent way for adults to examine their own learning styles so they can improve their retention of material. If someone is blind, they do not learn visually as well as a deaf person does not do well listening. We need to equip our children with the tools they need to learn.

The dyslexia checklist is also done by the parent or teacher and is a component of this report. Early positive habits can prevent later reading problems. Dyslexia is defined as a specific learning disability shown by a difficulty in learning to read which is not influenced by instructions, intelligences, or socioeconomic level. Usually it is not diagnosed until the student has failed in schools many years (11-17 years old) and self esteem is damaged. For children 3-8 years old, this is a pre-dyslexia checklist and those eight years and older, this is a dyslexia checklist. This will not diagnose dyslexia but will identify high risk symptom and include some suggestions on helping them.

This dyslexia checklist is optional if parents do not feel this is a concern with their child.

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